CDS-John Blue | SMPT-OSA1 - VisaGage II Single Orifice selector kit
JBLSMPTOSA1With this VisaGage II single orifice selector kit you can select from one to four orifice settings to adjust on each disc. Four discs and four selectors would offer sixteen different options. With the VisaGage II single orifice kit you will not have to worry about getting wet from fertilizers or chemicals when changing out orifices. Adjustment is quick and easy, no need to travel to each row unit and work on the plumbing near the ground. *VisaGage II Orifice Selector will work on both standard and fumigant VisaGage units.
Flow Monitors & Flow Meters
CDS-John Blue Flow Monitors are perfect for monitoring flow rates when spraying or applying agricultural liquid fertilizer. The VisaGage II is cost effective and simple to install in single columns or in sets of four flow meter assemblies. In addition, most CDS-John Blue Flow Monitor parts are interchangeable with other brands already on the market today.
CDS-John Blue VisaGage II is manufactured with chemical resistant polypropylene adapters and clear PVC body with an additive for UV protection. Viton o-rings are also standard. There are no electronic parts that could potentially fail.
VisaGage Orifice Selector
You can now turn your CDS-John Blue VisaGage II into a self-contained orifice changing system. This patented system is the first of its kind on the market today. Simply select from one of the four orifice setting on the four discs provided. No more getting wet from fertilizers or chemicals when changing orifices. Adjustment is quick, no need to travel to each row unit and work with plumbing near the ground.
Proper Application = Increased Yields
- With the VisaGage II Flow Monitor you will know immediately if an outlet is plugged, thus causing possible variations in your application rates.
- So easy - See the balls in line and know your rate is uniform.
- When ball is lower you know there is a restriction at the outlet, hose or opener supplied by that flow meter.
- A ball higher than the others is an indication that hoses or fittings supplied by that specific Flow Monitor is broken or has a leak.
Customize Your Visual Flow Monitor System
- Get the exact number of Flow Monitors for spraying or fertilizer applications by simply banking single columns or sets of 4 Flow Monitors or any combination you choose. Clasp them together with the stainless steel clips and Viton O-rings and go.
- The CDS-John Blue VisaGage II allows the use of common stainless steel orifice plates.
- Ports are standard NPT - Use our barb or convenient Push Connect Fittings for simple installation. (Push Connect Fittings can also be purchased for existing VisaGage II Flow Monitors).
- Most parts are interchangeable with other brands such as Redball LLC© and Wilger Industries©.